Electronic health record
Implementation experience in Perm Krai
- The doctor assigns appointments to the EHR taking into account the workload of other doctors and the patient's time.
- Signaling information: structured history of treatment cases.
- Diagnoses: complete systematization of appointments.
- Formalization of the parameters of medical care.
- Research: quick access to patient documents.
- Automatic selection of the minimum time with the distribution of consultations or research.
- Minimization of visits by a patient to a medical organization.
- Awareness of the doctor about the patient's condition prior to examination.
- Prompt diagnosis based on the patient's medical history.
- Laboratory results and medical images are available in the EHR immediately after submission.
- Patients have access to the history of treatment cases, research results.
Innovations are born not only in Moscow. For example, Perm Krai is actively investing in the digitalization of medicine. Now we are unique in that we have 100% implemented electronic health records. Not only in cities and large settlements, but also in villages.